Monday, 2 August 2010

my space must try to exude-

zoom-outs- mandelbrot set's graphic representation. There is detail at all scales of magnification and this goes on till infinity will a breathtaking range of patterns and forms which show self-similarity .These graphs also show transformation and dynamism as a small change in the mandelbrot equation results in constantly changing forms. 

Mandelbrot sets and the fascinating properties of fractals to bring complexity and infinity throughout the design showing the same level of detail as one sees on the building as a whole.
 A fractal is basically the iterations of an equation forever, the unique thing about them is that they are equally complex at any magnification.
 If you took a fractal and magnified it by 500x, you would see the same level of detail as you did on the entire thing. Fractals are among the most beautiful of all mathematical forms. 

Just as math changes or breaks down a problem, my space will use transforming, periodically changing elements to include the many activities and functions in the single open space of the warehouse.

Mathematical series translated as complex patterns will make it an exciting space for math enthusiasts who will discover a hidden problem in the design every time they visit providing a transforming perception of the subject.

Schizophrenic space, because its 2 different people in the same space with a common interest- Creative Mathematics or Mathematical Art.

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